Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I See Red....

I see RED...lots and lots of RED! It is amazing to see a group of women come together for a great cause! I was part of an amazing committee that hosted the Go Red For Women Executive Luncheon today, here, in Tulsa, OK.

The statistics I heard today were EYE OPENING! For example...this is a big one: Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women? Not just by a little bit either...it is 4 TIMES MORE the leading cause of death in women vs. cancer. Most of you thought cancer, didn't you?

There are a lot of GREAT causes out there to volunteer for and support in this world. I'm particularly passionate about the Go Red For Women campaign, because of family history, as well as a I was with a dear friend of mine when she had a heart attack. That alone was an EYE OPENING experience for me and I didn't need any statistics (from above) to convince me.

Here is my shameless plug: GET INVOLVED!! I can bet that everyone can name at least ONE person that has had a heart attack, stroke, or suffers from heart disease...man OR woman. Do you want to be a statistic? Or do you want one of your family members to be a statistic? We need to educate ourselves and others!


Besides, where else do you get to see a room filled with WOMEN looking fabulous in RED!

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